

Specialists in the cooperative sector :

Expertise and professionalism at the service of Social Enterprises.

Fidital has significant experience with the audit and certification of financial statements, and the control and audit of extraordinary financial statements of Cooperatives or their Consortia pursuant to Article 2545 octies of the Italian Civil Code.

The agreements signed with the main Cooperative Central Offices and the Ministry of Economic Development allow our company to certify the financial statements of cooperatives pursuant to Article 15 of Law 59/1992 and Article 11 of Legislative Decree 220/2002, in compliance with the provisions of the law and the articles of association and in accordance with the terms of the relevant agreements.

Our specialisation in the sector of cooperatives and their consortia allows us to contain costs and provide quality services, in line with the principle according to which audit work should not be limited to a mere report on past activities, but should constitute a stimulus for the management of cooperative societies and contribute to the development and improvement of accounting, administrative and internal control functions and procedures.


The following services are provided to cooperatives and their consortia:


  • certification of financial statements pursuant to art. 15 of Law 59/1992 and art. 11 of Legislative Decree 220/2002;
  • auditing pursuant to art. 2409 – ter of the Italian Civil Code;
  • auditing of extraordinary financial statements pursuant to Article 2545-octies of the Italian Civil Code;
  • auditing of financial statements prepared in accordance with IAS/IFRS (international accounting standards) adopted by the European Union and the provisions implementing Article 9 of Legislative Decree no. 38/2005 (Cooperative Credit Banks);
  • support in the preparation of social, demerger and sustainability financial statements;
  • study of the effects of the transition to IAS/IFRS (international accounting standards), with particular reference to cooperative financial statements issues;
  • Attestations (“asseverazioni”) pursuant to Law 109/94 as amended by Law 415/98 and Law 166/02, in order to prepare business plans in project financing processes;
  • organisational interventions for the preparation of consolidated, interim, liquidation financial statements or merger due diligence reports.


Fidital offices


T. 02 6781961

F. 02 67819679


T. 051 6569510

F. 051 6569164


T. 030 2807204

F. 030 2809007